Archive for the ‘Family’ Category

Jesus Speaks about a change/movement in the Old Testament

December 11, 2011

Jesus Speaks!!! Honestly, this isn’t something new, but what if I told you Jesus spoke in the Old Testament long before He rend the heavens and came down to us. What did he say? What is our response? What does Chuck E. Cheese, Back to the Future, Superman, and the Wizard of Oz have to do with all this? Only one way to find out…

Pleasant thoughts…

October 27, 2009

Sometimes when times get tough. We look back on something that was said to us or we experienced. For myself and my family it could be any number of things.  The afternoon after our last service at CTGS before departing for Saint Louis, MO., I recieved a wall message from a fellow elder and at the time Vice Chairman of the congreation. It brought myself and Linda to tears as we drove to Bloomington, IN to drop the kids off so we could focus on finishing packing.

Since this is my blog and at times I need to refer back to wise friends. This isn’t to boast, but to encourage one another. This time it was me needing the encouragement. At times our logic allows doubt to creep in and with that doubt the Devil takes hold.  Once the Devil has a foot in the door let the spiritual warfare begin. What am I saying, the Devil has never needed us to open the door to tempt and use our doubt against us.  Nevertheless, first turn to the bible and prayer. Also along those lines it doesn’t hurt to hear kind words from friends and family. To the Kreis family know that you continue to be on our minds and hearts.  Your words still hit home as much today as the day I read them the first time.

“The Potluck

Us being Lutheran and all, we are all very familiar with the church potluck dinner.  You know how everybody brings something different and there is always plenty to go around.  Well, some folks don’t really put much much effort into it and just pick up something on the way and throw it on the long table of food.  Others bring the same tried and true dish everytime.  Then there are the people who stand out.  They bring something unique and special with each opportunity, and everybody that gets a taste of it wants the recipe.  As people we all fall into those categories as well.  You and your family are definitely that special dish.  You bring something to the table that everybody wants to have for themselves.  You have added so much to so many lives, more than you will ever know I am sure.  Fortunately, you are so willing to share your recipes.  I feel that me and my family are better for knowing you and yours.  You will be missed brother.
God Bless,
The Kreis Family”

St. Johns, Evanston, IN – August 30, 2009

August 30, 2009

Today marks the first day we have attended church outside of the St. Louis area since moving.  We attended Linda’s home church in Evanston, IN. St. John’s is another church we consider home. Besides they stop considering us guest many years ago. My day started off rushing to Bible Study by myself. Seems some wise elder thought waking folks up 50 minutes before Bible Study (when everyone needed showers and its a 20 min drive) was a bright idea.  Nevertheless, I left by myself while my mother-in-law and Linda got the kiddos ready.

The bible study group was studying the Gospel of John. Since I had just finished my New Testament qualifier the week before the “wise elder” decided to put me on the spot. He is such a stinker. If you haven’t figured it out yet, the “wise elder” is none other than my father-in-law.

St. John offers a traditional service setting with worship following LSB layout. Pastor MLF Freiberg Sr is the sole pastor at this congregation.  I don’t think I have ever gone to a service that had more than 15 spots open to sit. Those country churches are throwback to what churches used to be. Namely, your only excuse for missing church is working in the field and at Holiday World. This was another one of the services where we didn’t experience a baptism or communion. Seems now we are on a streak going the wrong with that trend. This service included the installation of Sunday School Teachers and it marked the five year anniversay of Pastor Freiberg.  Actually, the service they used out of the LSB was the “Service of Prayer and Preaching”. 

I’ll touch on one thing from Pastor Freiberg’s sermon that touched on doing the right thing. He goes on further to acknowledge the people in the pews/laity, seminarians, everyday people, and even the pastor find themselves doing the right thing, but just going through the motions. While the initial feeling from someone in the pew can be hurt by thinking the pastor is just going through the motions. They’ve missed the whole point, we all suffer from this tendency and we should hold ourselves accountable to do God’s work with a happy heart as a direct result of HIS love for us.  Not out of some sort of obligation.  I personally think it takes a big and humble man of the cloth to speak to his congregation about how we live our lives.  He opens himself up to scrutiny, but he also shows his humble side along with his own realization that he too has fallen short of living properly.  I wish more pastors would.

Pastor Freiberg is a very good preacher and unbeknownst to many a smart teacher as well. He has a good grasp of the church history, lessons, and blends them well with the issues before us today.  For all my fellow seminarians who make annual treks to Holiday World, I suggest spending the night and attending St. Johns in Evanston, IN.  You will always be welcomed with a smile, firm handshake, and quite possibly a hug or two.

Here is the info for St. Johns

St. Johns Evangelical Lutheran Church (LCMS)

12308 East CR 1160  North

Evanston, IN 47531

(812) 547-2007

The Journey Begins…

July 25, 2009

Dad left with the truck around 12pm on Friday. After running some errands in Canton I was on the road. Stopped by the Lighthouse to get my oil changed on the truck. Dropped off the table at CTGS and then it was off to Mary M.’s house to drop off the cleaner. Had a tearful hug and then I was on the road. Just me 7 cruellers from Dunkin Donuts, 2 Gatorades, and the road.  Almost to M14 and I remember I had the task of picking up Hannah’s “pureNRG” cd that was prepaid for about a month ago. Doh, so I had to turn around and pick that up. 45 minutes later I’m back on the road again.

I won’t bore you with the details of the trip. I’ll just say this I suffered hand cramps which hadn’t happen since 05. Made great time. Passed Dad at some point when he stopped to re-fuel, he didn’t call to check to see where I was until I was already 10 miles ahead.  No stopping me at that point.  Never did stop to eat.  I got into St. Louis around 9pm CST. I was about an hour ahead of Dad so I stop by the apartment and drove on campus to take it all in.  Then I headed to the Edens house where we all met up. Linda and Mom were about 45mins to an hour behind dad. We had them pick up McDonald’s for dinner.

The Rikers showed up around 4/5am in the morning on Saturday.  So, we all made it safely down to St. Louis.

CTGS Packed the Moving Truck in 6hrs !!!

July 24, 2009

The title says it all. Friends and family from CTGS came out in force to help us pack up the truck. John C (formerly a professional truck packer) was amazing. Good times hanging with friends again before heading out to Saint Louis, MO. Let’s see what happen that day…

Transportation of a King size bed frame, entertainment center, microwave,  exercise equipment, ladder, and a desk.

Destruction of the best dog house ever. Mike was amazed by its workmanship and that is was so big. Kudos Mr. Catallo you made it happen.

Cleaning of the gutters.

Moving just about everything in our house into the largest U-Haul truck available without needing a CDL license. Double blessings when you take into account my injury. One of the things I’ve learned is that sometimes it is best to sit back and let God do his work through his people.  Never one in the past to leave it to others to do the work, CTGS has been my example from start to finish of letting go and putting it in God’s hands.

Our family is so grateful for all of God’s work we’ve experienced from knowing out CTGS family over the years.


CTGS Send-off Sunday

July 19, 2009

The time is here.  Our last Sunday at CTGS before departing for seminary. I wanted to make sure I saw everyone possible before we left which required me going to both services. I’ve done it from time to time before. Always fun to wake up early for a 8:30a service.  I enjoyed the service and getting up early took me back to my roots from Cleveland.

Driving to church was hard as every trip has been dating back to the fateful day I informed the church I was accepted to seminary.  Every drive to a meeting, bible study, church event, or service became a reflection period. From the day we came to CTGS it has been like a home away from home.  Our nuclear families are in lower Minnesota, Ohio, and Indiana so they admirably stepped when ever needed to support us through bumpy and winding roads of our journey in life.

At the end of the first service our Head Elder (Jim Cooley) and Pastor Pollatz had me come up to the front and sit down so the congregation could pray over me.  I remember seeing so many folks in tears and myself become overwhelmed with tears.  The prayers that followed were another testament that God puts people in your path to prepare you for the mission ahead.  After the prayers finished we finished with a song.  I sent a message to the organist asking if we could finish out service with a Onward Christians Soldiers.  One of my favorite hymns and one that was most appropriate for the day.

Since our Chairman was out of town it was left to me to lead our Cafe Bible Study with the assistance of Jim. I had a number of things prepared, but felt I would just open it up for what was going through everyone’s mind.  Try to answer anything about the journey ahead to the best of my knowledge.  We talked about the calling.  I explained when I heard the calling and the similarities to when my father felt the calling.

I talked about how much the setup of the class has helped me to prepare for the road ahead. Just preparation for class week end and out required me to think about every conceivable question or tangent the discussion may lead us down. I walked away from the Cafe Bible Study with renewed vigor for “Knowing What I believe” and “Why I believe it”.  It is my hope that my seminary education will strengthen my knowledge in teaching others these things while spreading the Word of the Lord.

Just before the second service, Linda and the kids showed up. Also in attendance were some friends from St. Matthew Church/School in Julie M, Renee L, and Joanne S. Concordia University (Ann Arbor) was also represented by my dear friend and former professor Glenda Waterman.

I must say looking around I was very distracted during the service. Looking around to see who was there and who wasn’t. Fortunately, I had heard the sermon earlier.  So, finally I was able to get back to meditating and preparing for the sacrament of Holy Communion. Suddenly, Linda gets my attention as I’m being tapped to assist with the distribution of the sacraments.  I figured I was going to sit back and try and hold it together.  Luckily, I was able to hold it together during communion until Lyndsey came up to me and smiled. Insert tear.

One of the communion songs for some reason brought Linda and I to tears. The ending was much the same of the first service, but this time we had Linda and the kids present up there with us. Children’s church finished early so everyone could be in the church together. Everyone is crying now or weeping (that one is for you Julie W.). Very emotional service and honestly I don’t think we would have had it any other way. Neither Linda or I would be able to address the congregation properly.  So many friends, experiences, and events.  It was there I stopped fighting God’s calling.  It was there I realized my gifts. It was there that my relationship with God grew to something I never would have thought. 

The service ended with everyone standing around us singing Onward Christian Soldiers. The words echoing through my mind and explaining what was ahead for us and for CTGS.

“Onward, Christian soldiers, Marching as to war, With the cross of Jesus Going on before. Christ, the royal master, Leads against the foe; Forward into battle See His banners go!”

“Like a mighty army Moves the Church of God; Brothers, we are treading Where the saints have trod. We are not divided, All one body we, One in hope and doctrine, One in charity.” LSB 662

Be Strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. Ephesians 6:10-11


Just over two weeks to go

July 7, 2009

Well, the time is growing close for the big move to Saint Louis.  We are exactly 17 days, 14 hours, 47 minutes, and 10 seconds to departure time.  We are packing still and trying to divert our attention away from shedding tears from the wonderful friends we are leaving to continue on in God’s ministry.  I’m continue to review material for my next class and gearing up meeting all my new classmates. We are pretty lucky.  Not many folks can say they up and move from one life situation to another and already have a support base in place. For that and many other blessings come directly from the Father.  I will continue to post my thoughts and experiences as time goes on.

This blog is supposed to be a way of documenting my path through the ministry as a way to share with those who aren’t aware of the process.  A way of keeping friends and family connected to what’s going on in our lives.

Concordia Seminary – Update

February 6, 2009


Well, the word is already out and I never say it here.  I was accepted into Concordia Seminary on January 12, 2009.  Which means my 33rd birthday now ranks right on the level of the day I got married, was baptized, confirmed, and the births of my four children.  I still plan on working for as long as I can which probably means at most the next two years.  However, my most important priorities will be studying as I progress forward.  It has been a very emotional ride during this process to get to this point.  Now, it seems like June is a lifetime away.  Just knowing I’ll be able to read the Bible in its original text has been something I’ve wanted to do for the past 10 years of my life.  So, that means some hardcore classes in Greek and Hebrew.  Which also means I’ll be able to read the spam messages at work that come in written in Aramaic or Hebrew.

Watch Saint Louis, here I come.  See ya in June.

Who is at fault? 100-0

January 30, 2009

As a former basketball coach, I’ve been involved in games where teams are completely outmatched.  I’ve seen both sides of the coin that I’m sure this basketball coach from Covenant’s School had to deal with a week or so ago.  While I was pleased to see the school apologize I was very disappointed to see the coach spoke out against the apology.  The line of thought for him to defend his actions is still a mystery to me.  I’ve coached basketball off and on since 1990 either by helping out as an assistant or as a head coach.  At no point during my time, even versus a rival school, did I see a point in running up the score to something of this magnitude.  Each coach knows at the beginning of the game (sometimes warm ups), how the game will transpire.  I don’t really care that he stopped pressing after his team was up 20 points.  In most states there is rules for that in games.  So, that isn’t a winning point for this coach. At some point the referees would have called a stop to his pressing. 

I understand non-starters realized that they we’re going to play a ton of minutes due to the blow out.  Sure everyone likes to score.  This whole situation has brought to light a number of different issues.



First of all this was lacking of each parent, child, player, faculty, and coach that was in attendance to that game.  The game of basketball was meant to encourage team work.  Not to run up scores to boost egos.  At some point he should have thought that as a coach I’m doing a disservice to not only my players, but to the opposing school.  At some point the opposing coach should have said, “Enough”.  Why continue to let your kids be shamed and disrespected when they’re supposed to be having fun.  How can anyone sleep after watching this transpire.  It boils my blood just thinking about it.  At no point should any basketball game end with the other team scoring zero if you are 10pts ahead.  Call an intentional foul or open the lane for someone to make a layup.  Someone please explain to me how there was any sportsmanship at this game.  How could any of the kids shake hands or the coaches after all this transpired.



God showed mercy on us by sending his son to suffer and die for our sins so that we may have everlasting life.  Where was the easy type of mercy this coach and his players could have showed?  Forfeiting the game doesn’t take away the hurt and damage you have inflicted on the coach, players, friends, and family.  When we will learn that rewards in the worldly realm mean nothing to our Father in Heaven.  Where was the helping hand from anyone to say, “you know what this game is out of control”.  How about we scrimmage and try and to have some good come of this.


Coaching & Referees

It’s about improving the skills of each basketball player, not only on the court, but in the real world.  Each child in this game was done a great disservice.  The only lessons they learned was what is wrong in the world.  As a former coach, your job is to do no harm and protect those kids as if they were your very own.  For this reason I blame both coaches for outcome of this game.  Pull your players off the floor and say “no mas”.  Say you don’t desire your kids to be a part of something so vulgar as the game turned out to be.  If it didn’t clue you in on 20,30,40-0 then what happen the rest of the way.

Referees are there to protect the integrity of the game.  I took the same oath here in Michigan.  At some point an officials timeout should have been called to call the game.  They didn’t need the coaches permissions to do it.  Maybe it was all about the pay, but honestly I wonder how they feel now since it has blown up in their faces on the news.


I wager to think the coach wasn’t fired because he disagreed with the school, but because who blatantly disagreed with the morale code of the school.  The guys at Issues Etc talk about Edwardsville all the time and basketball.  I’m sure neither of them would have let things get out of hand like this even versus their bitter rivals.


All I can say is pray for forgiveness for all involved and the world’s faults.

Infant Baptism

December 25, 2008

It is my understanding that Scripture teaches us that both adults and children should be baptized.  Children are to be baptized if they’re brought to us for baptism by either their parents or by parental guardians.  The scripture commonly used to support this exists in Mark 10: 13-16.  This scripture is centered around Jesus explain marriage to the followers.  At this point people were bringing their children to Jesus to be touched by him.  The disciples rebuked them, in which case Jesus answered that we must receive the kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.  Well, it obviously can be said this isn’t talking about baptism.  This is true, but with much of Jesus’ teachings they just don’t stop there.  Baptism is also referenced in Colossians 2:11-12, but it doesn’t refer to children.
What Scripture then do we have for infant baptism?
1. Infants are flesh born of flesh and as such are lost in sin. (Psalms 51:5), (John 3:5-6).
2. It is God’s will that also infants should be regenerated (Mark 10:13-16), by their being brought to Christ (Luke 18:15-17).
3. The means by which infants are brought to Christ is Baptism (Titus 3:5-6), (1 Peter 3:21), (Colossians 2:11-12)
Scripture expressly records that in the primitive Christian Church believers were baptize “with their whole house,” (1 Corinthians 1:16), (Acts 11:14, 16:15,33).  
There is the objection that infant baptism is not mentioned in the Bible directly and as such it wasn’t practiced in apostolic times.  I hold true to the theory of though that it wasn’t mentioned simply because it was self-evident that baptism of infants and children happen.  From Colossians 2:11-12 we know thatBaptism in the New Testament took the place of Circumcision. It doesn’t stop there in early times in the Old Testament there was a similar form of ceremony of washing of babies.
Not to be forgotten the Great Commission to his apostles to baptize, and thus make disciples of, all nations, an expression which ordinary includes children.
Scripture declares expressly that little children can believe, Matt 18:2-6. Mark 10:13-16, Luke 18:15-17, I John 2:13. Their faith is not considered potential faith, but actual faith or directly faith which truly apprehends the promises offered in Baptism.
It is impossible for us to conceive of direct faith in infants.  That is truly a question we all ponder at one point or time.  It matters little if we can comprehend the mysteries of faith by reason, but whether they are actually taught in Scripture.
It is clear infants can believe from Jesus’ own words; Matthew 18:6, Luke 18:15-, and 2 Timothy 3:15.
Luther has this reasoning for infant baptism:
“The baptism of infants, and the comfort we derive from it, rest upon the word: ‘Suffer little children to come unto Me and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God.’  He has spoken this, and He does not lie.  Hence it must be right and a Christian act to bring little children unto Him, which can be done in no other way than through Baptism.  For this reason it must also be certain that He blesses them and that He gives the kingdom of heaven to all who come to Him in this way; for He adds: ‘Oh such is the kingdom of God.'”
Further more we can be more certain in the faith of infants than that of adults because adults more likely will resist, while resistance is not found in little children.
One common thought I’d like to add is when we use the argument that we must do something to make the baptism possible.  While in Acts it says “repent”, is it our repentence that we give or is it the repentence that God gives us.  I would suggest folks to continue reading in Acts.  We refer to baptism as something that is man made, but in reality is something given to us by God. It is Divine, not man made.  As such through God all things are possibly and the remissions of sins in infants is also possible.  In God, all things are possible.  As I continue my research on this topic I will also revisit this blog and make changes accordingly.
God’s Blessings…