Archive for the ‘Admissions’ Category

Seminary Announces New Admissions Event

November 10, 2011

November 10, 2011

ST. LOUIS—Perhaps you have considered the possibility of serving as a “Shepherd of God’s Flock” — a pastor, missionary, or chaplain — but you have questions such as:

How can I know for sure whether or not I should be a pastor?
What does the Bible say about being a pastor?
What does a pastor, missionary, or chaplain do?
What are the joys and challenges that they face?
Is there a need for them?

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, invites you to explore these questions and more in a relaxed, retreat-like atmosphere on the Seminary campus at an event called Shepherds of God’s Flock on January 5, 2012.

Designed for those in college or older, the retreat will focus on the spiritual and personal aspects of the decision-making process. During this one-day event, you will: mine the depths of the Scriptures concerning this office; hear from pastors, missionaries, and chaplains concerning the joys and challenges of their service; talk with other retreat guests from around the country who are contemplating such service; worship with the Seminary community in chapel; and talk with current Seminary students about their decisions to prepare for such service.

There is no cost to attend. All meals and lodging will be provided free of charge. Dress is casual. Please bring a Bible. Wives, fiancées, and girlfriends are also encouraged to attend. Participants are encouraged to stay through Friday, January 6, to attend “Green and Gold Days,” allowing for time to sit in on Seminary classes.

For more information or to register, contact Concordia Seminary admissions at 800-822-9545 or

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July 23, 2011

July 15, 2011

ST. LOUIS—Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, is pleased to invite prospective students and their guests to attend Contemplate… to be held October 6-8, 2011 on the Seminary campus. Designed for those who are college age or older, the structured visitation event provides an effective means for learning more about life in the Concordia Seminary community and the preparation that leads to service as a pastor, missionary, chaplain, or deaconess in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

Check-in and campus tours take place on Thursday afternoon. Those who arrive earlier are invited to observe a class in session or visit the bookstore. A welcome reception and dinner provide a unique opportunity to meet Seminary faculty in an informal setting. After dinner, participants will hear a presentation on the formation for ministry, meet the Student Ambassadors, and attend an evening chapel service.

Paired with a current student, participants will attend chapel and observe classes on Friday. Sessions will focus on the spiritual and personal aspects of the decision-making process, as well as provide opportunities for presentations on the academic program, resident field education, vicarage and internship years, financial assistance, and housing.

An occasion for further dialogue with current students occurs during the student panel discussion Friday evening. Married and single student housing tours and individual appointments with admissions counselors and the life transitions office are made available to participants on Saturday morning. The visitation event concludes with a farewell lunch.

The second Contemplate… event of the academic year will take place on March 8-10, 2012. There is no charge to attend Contemplate…, and all meals and lodging are provided free of charge. Round-trip transportation to Concordia Seminary from the airport is provided.

For more information, contact the admissions office at 1-800-822-9545 or

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To unsubscribe via email, send a message to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.CUIS.EDU with the words “UNSUB CSLNEWS” as the body of the message.


May 10, 2011

Subscription information is at the bottom of this post.
May 9, 2011

ST. LOUIS—Next Steps is a new admissions event this year, geared toward prospective students and their families. This two-day event on July 8-9, 2011, will provide an opportunity to connect with the Concordia Seminary community. From visiting the campus to experiencing life with Seminary families, we hope you will find answers to your most nagging questions.

During the Relocation Orientation on Friday afternoon, you will learn a lot of useful information about housing, moving companies, how to find employment, healthcare and childcare information, schools, and much more. Kids will have supervised recreation time during the informational sessions. The Panel Discussion will feature current Seminary families, answering your questions with honest answers as they have been in your position! On Friday night, you are invited to attend an informal BBQ in the Woods (the nickname for married student on-campus housing). BBQ’s in the Woods are held every Friday night in the fall and spring, and that’s just one example of the many activities geared toward Seminary families.

Saturday will include fun events for your whole family. A farewell picnic in Forest Park will conclude the formal events.

There is no registration fee. Housing and meals during the event will be provided by Concordia Seminary. Participants are responsible for their own transportation. Registration deadline is June 24. For more information, please contact the admissions department at 314-505-7227 or email

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To unsubscribe via email, send a message toLISTSERV@LISTSERV.CUIS.EDU with the words “UNSUB CSLNEWS”as the body of the message.

Orientation Day 2

September 3, 2009

Just another brief synopsis on the second day of Orientation through my eyes. Since there wasn’t chapel scheduled during these days today we were led by in devotion by Dr. Hartung with song from the mass of 1st years in the room.  A sign of what was to come on Sunday afternoon I assume.

One of the things I forgot from yesterday was the presentation on Pastoral Formation Outcomes as presented by Rev. Tim Saleska. I won’t go over it, but I will print the 15 desired outcomes. I think they’re self-explanatory.

  1. The student adheres to the apostolic faith as set forth in the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions.
  2. The student exhibits a life shaped by the centrality of the Gospel.
  3. The student interprets reality theologically.
  4. The student speaks for the Lord and his purposes.
  5. The student exhibits a zeal for proclaiming the Gospel to all people.
  6. The student respects and accepts the creaturely diversities that exists among people.
  7. The student aspires to life-long growth in theological understanding, spiritual formation, and vocational skills.
  8. The student preaches the Word of God faithfully.
  9. The student teaches the faith of the church capably.
  10. The student serves the assembled gathering in worship with Word and Sacrament and supports the assembly’s response of prayer and praise.
  11. The student demonstrates faithful pastoral care.
  12. The student provides appropriate pastoral leadership.
  13. The student speaks the Word fo God to those outside the faith.
  14. The student equips the priesthood of the baptized within their walk of life for works of service.
  15. The student fosters healthy relationships with family, laity, colleagues, and community members.

Editors Note: Capitalization of “Word” and “Sacrament” in 10 were done by myself.

Now back to day two.  We continued with what type of student would we be now. We were given examples of the mindset of jumping through hoops to reach a desired outcome. Another mindset was plowing through the course work to get to the parish. Yet, another mindset was being opened to being formed into a pastor for whatever situation is your calling.  We then broke into small groups again to discuss the type of student we wanted to be and the introducing yourself to some people we’ve yet to meet.  Oddly enough some still considered this to be a means to an end. Very unfortunate as there is a wealth of knowledge and experience at CSL that will no doubt prepare us for the ministry.

As we came back together as a larger group we were administered a personality exam.  While answering the questions everyone would laugh as reached certain questions. Then asked again in a different format.  I think by this time in life just about everyone has taken one of these types of exams. Either for work or during our schooling.  We departed from this session for lunch in Wartburg.

Key terms taken away from our two days with Dr. Hartung:

altar call: I point in our ministry/lives where we must make a decision. A gut check or life changing decision.

drink, yell, & masturbation: When presented with spiritual warfare will you result to turning to a liquor, lashing out to those around you, or will you turn sexual immorality. Note: The correct answer is none of the above.

The second half of our day was spent in Koburg. We started off with a brief introduction to the “Business Side of Seminary”. Basically, we were showing how to use SemNet to view our balances. Campus Services in an attempt to make the review of the handbook fun split us into teams of 8.  Now those 10 teams were to compete against each other in handbook trivia. Coincidentally, 10 rounds of trivia covering each facet of seminary life. Each round had 9 questions. Suffice to say the competitive nature was alive and well at the beginning through the first 3-5 rounds.  After that point it became mundane. We were still listening, but it seem to just drag on a little too long for most. Keep in mind at this point we had been should to shoulder in lectures,presentations, and eating for 9hrs on Wednesday and at this point 8hrs on Thursday. I think we all just needed some time away to decompress and rebuild our personal space.  Don’t get me wrong it was a great idea and there was a ton of info to cover.  We did learn a number of things we wouldn’t have known via handbook. For instance Lisa S. is the longest tenure Admissions office employee through her combined tours of duty with the office. I think I heard close to or maybe over 20 years.  That was something we all can appreciate as during your application process we all may have talked to Lisa more than our admissions counselors.

We finished with the trivia and now it was time for the group photo with all the first year students in the main quad. It was warm, close quartered, and jokes never stopped. Whenever, the photo comes out see if you can find yourself in the mass of faces.

Later that night many of us returned with our spouses and families to Luther Statue Park for a picnic provided by Lutheran Hour Ministries. We heard numerous speakers including Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus. As always we broke bread, met new people, and watched kids play in the park. Great fellowship event as we now saw each other interacting with our wives and families.  All the 1st year receiveda presents for LHM in the form of a nice Men’s Network bottle opener and “What Luther Says” by Plass.  The wives in attendance also received I believe bookmarks and something else from “Women to Women” host and program.

Rev. Gibbs and his wife also attended and I’m pretty sure introduced themselves to everyone.  They’ve done a remarkable job atremembering names and faces in such a short amount of time. Mrs Gibbs leads a women’s bible study weekly.  After most people had dispersed the Ekongs, Millers, and Starfeldts sat at a table where our wives shared how we met and wound up at seminary. For the men this was interesting to hear someone else tell the story as over the past couple of days we’ve told it to each other no less than 5-8 times. 🙂